Be proud to PRONOUNCE


Ever found yourself stuck for words when trying to pronounce some of the trickier names in the fashion industry? Me too. So for anyone who has ever stumbled and mumbled their way through a presentation, this should clear up some of the most well know, and occasionally tricky ones so you can come across professional,  practise makes perfect... 

Balenciaga: bah-len-see-ah-gah

Balmain: bahl-mahhhhn

Bottega Veneta: bow-tay-guh vah-netta

Christian Louboutin: christian loo-boo-tan

Comme des Garçons: comb dey gah-sown

Dolce & Gabbana: dol-chey and gab-ana

Givenchy: zjee-von-shee

Hermès: er-mez

Issey Miyake: iss-ee mee-yah-key

Jean Paul Gaultier: zhon paul go-tee-ay

Lanvin: lahn-vahn

Louis Vuitton: loo-wee vwee-tahn

Miu Miu: mew-mew

Moschino: mos-key-no

Versace: vur-sah-chee

Yves Saint Laurent: eve san lau-ron

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